Enjoy rich and authentic experiences with Aeolus Tours
API connects with local initiatives and organizations to further community-based tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Local partners play a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of community-based tourism and cultural heritage initiatives by:
We’re grateful to our local partners for guiding us both on the Path and in our work. Click on the logos below to learn more about our friends in the region!
Enjoy rich and authentic experiences with Aeolus Tours
Hiking, Homestays, and Camping with Eisa Dweekat
Um Muhammad shares her love of Palestinian food at Zwadeh
The Assyrian Aid Society - Iraq Has Served the People of Mesopotamia since 1991
VIKurdistan team is experienced in all the right directions
BFTA links Palestinian producers to global fair trade markets
The Mardawi family hosts travelers from different countries to meet new people and participate in cultural exchange
Discover the Zagros Mountain Trail in Iraqi Kurdistan
A boutique hotel in Şanlıurfa offering guests an unforgettable experience
Explore the beauty of Turkey with Nomad Travel Turkey